The city of the future is climate neutral. As part of a UN turnaround, the german federal government strives to achieve carbon neutrality in building development by 2050. Fossil fuels are already a thing of the past today.
Using a bioenergy facade for your building project offers you the opportunity to play a part in the energy revolution, leveraging large scale areas for the production of renewable energy, whilst also benefitting from the return.
A bioenergy facade can help you save more cost in the long run. The heat produced in the bioenergy facade can cover ca. 75 % of the demand thus reducing the costs by the same amount. Using our operator model costs for maintenance and operation can be even reduced by 100 %. Alternatively, added value can be obtained from the bioactive raw materials produced. Additional framing and cladding measures become obsolete, thanks to the facade’s various benefits, covering a wide range of common requirements and functionality. Finally – regional, national and EU funding programs may support you in this investment, further reducing cost.
Similar to solar solutions, our facade leverages renewable solar energy to produce heat, diminishing the need for additional material . As can be seen in this analysis, the material and energy consumption required for the bioenergy facade– and as such the resulting CO2 emissions – are comparable to that of a simple glass facade. However, with the cellparc facade, a positive eco-balance can be achieved within as little as 1.5 years. Additional perks, such as thermal and acoustic capabilities serve as added value to your investment.
The aesthetic design and high quality of the facade upgrade every building’s appearance, bringing light, color and motion to those that live there. Emotional bonding with inanimate everyday objects has been a known phenomenon for years. Society’s growing search for modernity is coupled with the desire to experience innovative technologies sensuously. Recent research even indicates technology acceptance can lead to the fostering of a relationship, and forming of an emotional attachment to the object itself .